
Home / Fără categorie  / Soliloquy – accuses the deprivation of love, the abandonment, isolation and withdrawal of the child in an illusory world


As I have been asked many times about the meanings in my work, my artistic interests and influences, I will present my work as I have conceived it, form the first moment of creation. Each work will represent a different in my existence and artistic development, evoking different experiences, feelings, emotions, traumas and attitude towards major personal and social events. My art combines and insists on certain cultural, mythological, ethnic or social motifs and symbols using multiple techniques.

Soliloquy  – ink on paper, dating from 2014, is a response to the unpredictable situations in human existence that have reached maturity. I consider the circle, the round medallion, the perfect geometric shape similar to the maternal womb. I chose the shape of the circle for a traumatic period in life – childhood. The drawing captures the moment of revelation: Soliloquy is a process that accuses the deprivation of love, the abandonment, isolation and withdrawal of the child in an illusory world. In this world, the only protection of the child comes from the nature and the primordial elements. The portrait combines the concreteness – the hair, the clothing, the rigor of the hairstyle (the girl exists for society) and the abstract – the feelings and the way the child perceives the outside world. The castle with a single window suggests the isolation but also the child’s self-protection. He feels protected and the elements of nature are his confidants. I used two mythological symbols that I merged: the tree and the snake. The protective element is the thin but strong stalk of the snake-tree, with scales, with forked branch. The tree fixed by the roots merges with the snake whose hide is inside the earth. The symbolism of rebirth, change, immortality of the snake, regarded as the axis between the earthly and the spiritual plane means the protection of the unborn child. I introduced the symbol of ephemerality, of fragility and beauty through the dragonfly’s wing that continues the shape of the tree.The thoughts, emotions, fears from childhood are hidden in the castle with a simple room that belongs only to the child. Only one window is important because it connects him with the world. The existential emptiness from childhood stands between two exterior planes: stones and shrubs and the multitude of leaves anchored by each other.The work’s message is also a warning and an exhortation to find in us at the age of maturity – and not in others – answers to all the frustrations we feel in life.